The Energy Talk - Storytellers of Africa's Energy Transition

Empowering The Last Mile: SolarAid’s Unique Model to Scaling Energy Access.

Episode Summary

In this episode, we explore SolarAid's visionary work under CEO John Keane, aiming to deliver sustainable energy solutions to remote African communities. Focused on last mile areas, SolarAid's unique model tackles energy poverty while empowering communities with clean, affordable energy access. Through innovation and strategic partnerships, SolarAid is reshaping energy accessibility in Africa, paving the way for a brighter, more sustainable future continent-wide.

Episode Notes

SolarAid is an international development charity working alongside communities in the most rural and hard-to-reach areas of sub-Saharan Africa to tackle poverty and the climate crisis through access to clean, safe solar lights. Aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 7, which advocates for universal access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy, SolarAid is dedicated to combating global poverty and climate change by providing rural communities with access to solar lighting. As the parent organization, SolarAid wholly owns SunnyMoney, the largest distributor of solar lights across Africa. Established by Solarcentury, a UK-based solar energy company, SolarAid endeavors to illuminate every household, educational institution, and medical facility in Africa with safe and clean solar energy by 2030. Operating primarily through its social enterprise, SunnyMoney, SolarAid serves communities in Zambia and Malawi, while also collaborating with partners in Uganda and Senegal in West Africa.

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Guest Bio:  

In 2000, John Keane relocated to rural Tanzania as a volunteer, experiencing firsthand the hardships of living without electricity and relying on hazardous candles and kerosene lanterns for illumination. This encounter ignited his dedication to transforming this dire situation, prompting him to embark on a professional journey dedicated to effecting change across Africa. Through establishing solar projects, enterprises, and fostering innovation, John has been instrumental in addressing this pressing issue. With various roles at SolarAid and SunnyMoney, he has played a pivotal role in positively impacting the lives of over 12 million individuals.


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